Latitude and longitude: 8.188868°; 79.777771°
(modified by RB from Wikipedia)
Distance from mainland: 3000 m
Interest for tourism:+
Interest for Polymotu project: +
Other conservation interest: unknown
Interest for Polymotu project: +
Other conservation interest: unknown
Pullupiddi island (Google Earth) |
Sinhala name: Kotipitiya
Other names: unknown
Pullupiddi island is a unhinabited mangrove island.
Pullupiddi island is a unhinabited mangrove island.
Amarasinghe, M. D., & Balasubramaniam, S. (1992). Structural properties of two types of mangrove stands on the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Hydrobiologia, 247(1-3), 17-27.